Just found out- I am not legally allowed to do an internship or work for someone else with my current temporary residence status. The stamp in my passport only allows me to work as a ZZPer/freelancer with my own company. So, even in this in-between state, I'm legally viewed as a self-employed person, no longer a recent graduate.
The Author of the Site
8/4/2013 08:36:17 pm

I would just like to say that my application was accepted in November of 2012, only two months after submitting my application to become a freelancer. In short- DAFT worked!

(Note, it took another 3 months for my new residence for my new residence permit to be processed.)

I am not sure what the requirements are if you want to continue living/working/freelancing in the Netherlands after the first year. That will be the next chapter I suppose...

28/6/2013 10:41:53 pm



I was wondering a few things:

(1) It's not too clear on the IND site, but does the Ministry of Economic Affairs evaluate DAFT businesses for Dutch Economic importantness? What is your experience with this?

(2) DO they require that you HAVE or merely PROJECT "sufficient means of income" in the future?

(3) Did you hire a lawyer? I was going to, but after digging and reading blogs like yours, I feel like its a manaegable task with organization.

(4) Do you have a recommendation for a tax advisor/ financial advisor for approval of the financial plan?

The Author of the Site
2/7/2013 07:29:46 pm

Hi Sarina,
(1) Unfortunately, I don't have an answer! I do not recall the Ministry of Economic Affairs being involved in the process.

(2) Hmmm, I am not sure which part of the application you are referring to. The 4500 euros that you must have in your bank account is all that was required of me. No projected profits were asked. But! If you have to make a business plan (because you do not already have a residence permit) then this might differ. Unfortunately, that is not my area of 'expertise'.

(3) No, I did not hire a lawyer. It was totally doable without one. Again, this might be different if you do not already have a rez permit.

(4) For me it was not necessary to hire an advisor for the financial plan. I would suggest visiting a few of the resources listed on the Resources & Definitions page (the Expat Center, Expatica) to find one!

I hope this was of use!

10/7/2013 01:50:13 am

Great to have come across your blog. A lot of helpful info!
I contacted IND.nl and they told me that the 'verblijfsvergunning legesbedrag is' 1.250 euro (this is as of July 2013), even though on your site it says 600, and even less for freelancers.
I am in fact a freelancer.
I simply asked them in Dutch: 'What is the residence permit fee on the basis of Dutch American Friendship Treaty?"
Should I have given more details?
What was fee for you last year (2012)?
Thanks a lot.

12/7/2013 10:27:01 pm

Hi, thanks for sharing :)
I started filling out the residency form and got stuck almost instantly! the KVK advised me that they need my Sofi number or BN in order to register my company and i can only get that AFTER i received my residency. Meanwhile the residency form states that they need my KVK registration details.. :S any idea how this happens?
thx a ton!

10/8/2013 04:28:26 am

In response to Maha about the BSN number -- you should receive your BSN when you register at the gemeentehuis (city hall) in the municipality in which you live/will live. This was one thing that confused me before (just one of the many Catch 22s/which comes first, the chicken or the egg? situations I've encountered so far in my quest to live in Holland.)

I'm also curious how the OP/Blog creator is doing now.

I have tried to obtain residency by the working for an employer but the UWV is being extremely strict now (been battling all of 2013), and advice from 2 law firms confirmed that 90-95% of all those permits are being denied at the moment. Also tried verblijfsvergunning bij partner but my boyfriend is an entrepreneur and doesn't qualify because of a few months he is was financially below the required threshold profit in 2012.

So now, I'm starting with DAFT... My lawyer told me yesterday the application fee is currently €900. The lack of information available regarding the DAFT on the IND site is pretty disheartening. I've been hung up on by the IND when I call with questions. Seriously.

Good luck to all my fellow Americans trying to succeed here in the NL! :)

1/9/2013 05:15:32 am

Just FYI everyone - the price for the DAFT application is now €1250 (confirmed for September 2013).
And KvK has been the best help for me:

1/9/2013 05:16:05 am

Just FYI everyone - the price for the DAFT application is now €1250 (confirmed for September 2013).
And KvK has been the best help for me:

1/9/2013 05:16:22 am

Just FYI everyone - the price for the DAFT application is now €1250 (confirmed for September 2013).
And KvK has been the best help for me:

1/9/2013 05:16:32 am

Just FYI everyone - the price for the DAFT application is now €1250 (confirmed for September 2013).


8/9/2013 12:23:36 am

Thanks Holly!
Just wondering though...what kind of business is everyone here opening?? My husband and i want to open a cheese and dairy Lebanese store and so far we found out we need to have a LOT of start up money and apparently it's super difficult to get loans from banks in Holland :s Any idea what to do money-wise? is leasing a good option?

8/9/2013 12:25:06 am

I hope they don't increase the charges for the application by the time we are able to apply :s
Thanks again!

8/9/2013 12:25:13 am

I hope they don't increase the charges for the application by the time we are able to apply :s
Thanks again!

8/9/2013 12:25:27 am

I hope they don't increase the charges for the application by the time we are able to apply :s
Thanks again!

16/10/2013 09:47:11 pm

Good luck everyone - I just got my rejection letter.
They did not even have the courtesy to provide a reason why.

30/10/2013 01:29:05 pm

Holly do you mind stating what kind of business you tried to start? I am in a particular situation myself where I am trying to find a business to start as well.

Do we know about investing in a small company that already exists if that is possible. I have read mixed things all over the internet but to be honest this site seems to be the best in my opinion.

I am looking to start a company soon and do this myself, did anything have to be filled out prior to arriving in the Netherlands? I just came back to the states for a bit from Holland to restart my tourist visa time allowed in schengen zone.

Anyway thanks guys this has already helped me a ton

12/12/2014 03:12:44 pm

I hope this conversation has not ended. I am looking at starting a business in Amsterdam myself. This is all very new information to me but I'm excited about the possibility.


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    Who is blogging?

    I am a US-American living in the Netherlands who is attempting to use DAFT to stay in the country and support myself. Wish me luck!


    September 2012

